What you can buy in our shop

Where are we...
Oberdorfstrasse 25, 8001 Zürich

At Teddy’s they have a wide range of souvenirs and gifts. Whether it’s watches, cowbells, hats, music boxes, soft toys, pocket knives or clothes you’re after: you’ll find it all at their shop on Limmatquai, just next to the church Grossmünster. And it’s not just souvenirs of Zurich, like beer glasses with the city’s coat of arms, but from all over Switzerland. For example the sännechutte, a traditional shirt worn by alpine herdsmen since days of yore. And yes, this souvenir shop is open even on Sundays.
Grösste Auswahl von Victorinox-, Morellato- und Chroma-Artikeln der Stadt Zürich
Largest selection of Victorinox, Morellato and Chroma products in Zurich
Amplia selección de artículos Victorinox, Morellato y Chroma en la ciudad de Zúrich.
Ampia scelta di Victorinox, Morellato e prodotti Chroma di Zurigo
Vasta gama de Victorinox, Morellato e de produtos Chroma de Zurique
h3>ビクトリノックス、ウェンガーおよびチュー リッヒのクロマ製品の幅広い選択
Широкий выбор изделий Victorinox, Morellato и Chroma в Цюрихе
Large choix de Victorinox, Morellato et les produits Chroma de Zurich
苏黎世种类最全的维氏、 威戈和克洛马产品专卖